Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sen. Jim DeMint and Bill Kristol are miscreants who offer nothing

By Mary MacElveen
July 22, 2009

As I was reading my page this morning, a woman from California who goes by the name, lasurfgrl asked how much “longer are you on Capitol Hill going to ignore our problems? The American Dream no longer exists in CA. We have gigantic problems here” I do suspect no matter where you live in the United States there are pervasive problems that have not been addressed in quite sometime. Like infrastructure.

Two weeks ago, the Throgs Neck Bridge in New York City was accidently set ablaze due to a blow torch which basically shut the bridge down. Travelers had to make other plans using the Whitestone Bridge as well as ferries which can take passengers off of Long Island. Some have said we are in need of another bridge. New York like California is a cash-strapped state and frankly, we cannot afford another bridge.

Then we have the ominous eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room which is healthcare. Presently, there are over 47 million who go without and that number does not include the underinsured. Yet, obstructionist senators like Jim DeMint instead of trying to deliver such aid and comfort to a people had this say: “If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

While some decry the President’s plan as not being one to solve this crisis and it is a crisis, at least we have a President who is willing to step up to the plate and help bring relief to many millions of people. Unlike his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Forget any history lesson by mentioning Waterloo, Senator DeMint, there are countless citizens who are being broken financially due to the bills incurred when they had to seek medical treatment. This as you are covered by we the tax payers. If anything, my little mental-fantasy would be to break you by stripping you of your government sponsored healthcare package.

Not to be outdone, you then have Bill Kristol who stated: “My advice, for what it's worth: Resist the temptation. This is no time to pull punches. Go for the kill.” In referring to the President’s healthcare plan by calling it ‘Obamacare’. My reaction to his statement on both Twitter and was, “Go to HELL!” Sorry for such foul language but it needed to be said.

In both cases and statements it reminds me of a statement made in the movie, “The American President” when the fictional president, Andrew Shepherd had this to say: “We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious men to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, friend, I promise you, Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only: Making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family and American values and personal character."

This my friends and readers is the gist of the blowback to President Obama’s healthcare plan by folks like DeMint and Kristol. In fact, you can substitute their names when Shepherd refers to Rumson. Both offer you nothing when so many of you are hurting out there. They are zealots and miscreants as far as I am concerned when this country does have serious problems to solve and America should rise in anger towards obstructionists like them and say: “ENOUGH and SHUT UP!”

Kristol, was a student of Leo Strauss (the father of the Neoconservative movement) and he like others who believe in the Neoconservative mentality which is crap in my book, gave us only wars has cost this country dearly. These wars have now cost all of us over $1 trillion dollars and yet they wish to scare you of the sticker-shock of any healthcare package? Nonsense!

I find Kristol’s statement of going for “the kill” to be telling since he has been a proponent of these wars which have only killed our soldiers and innocent Iraqis. Yet, folks listen to this garbage?

We as a nation must remember that it was a Republican President, George W. Bush and a Republican-led congress who did nothing to address the healthcare problem, did nothing to rebuild this country as they destroyed another by illegally invading it. They shoveled your hard earned dollars out the door to level complete cities such as Fallujah, Iraq.

Do you really want to revisit those darkened years by listening to Kristol and DeMint? Nothing was done for you as you sit waiting for the next bill from any doctor or hospital to come in. That is truly their legacy. To any Democratic congressional leader who fears for his or her own reelection by going up against the President, you have no place in congress if fear is your guiding force. To me, healthcare is a civil right and a right that should be guarded and protected by every single legislator at any level of our government. People have the right to live and thrive!

Americans went to the polls in record numbers this past election to send Barack Obama to the White House to work on behalf of all Americans. While I have taken issue with some of his plans, I refuse to listen to those whose sole mission is to break the President for their own selfish desires. Their words mean nothing to me and they should mean nothing to you!

Author’s email address is,

Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Suffolk County, N.Y. Junior Police Academy Graduation: Media Absent

By Mary MacElveen
July 20, 2009

In modern society, we as a nation sit glued to our televisions when senseless, meaningless and most of all heinous killings are reported to us by the media. The people’s names we often remember are the monsters who carried out these massacres and NOT the names of the victims. Even when the monster took his own life, their names live on. Also, no one knows of the names of the police officers that responded to these massacres. Imagine just for one tiny-second the scene that is presented to them upon arriving. Without a moment’s hesitation, they respond. They do so to help the victims who are often dead at the scene. Just imagine in your mind’s-eye having that in your head as long as you live. To me, I cannot.

In a past piece discussing the Virginia Tech massacre, I wrote where the mainstream media interviewed: “every forensic expert they could find, every security expert they could find and every psychologist and psychiatrist they could find. They lured us all into a psychosis in which we had to know every little detail of the story. Do I feel it is healthy? Not really.” Quite frankly, I do not care what led these monsters to take the lives of so many innocent people.

I guess I am tired of society itself being blamed for their blood-filled massacres. They alone are responsible for their own actions.

When bad kids do bad things such as Eric Harris, age 18 and Dylan Klebold, age 17 who were both responsible for the Columbine massacre, we want to know every little detail which led them both to this destruction of human lives. Their victims ran from them and many knowing it would be their last day on Earth. The same can be said of Seung-Hui Cho age 23 who became known as the Virginia Tech murderer. He too left behind many victims and like Columbine, a community to grieve a lifetime.

Leaving these high-profiled cases aside, look in any newspaper, any broadcast to see the coverage of young men for the most part taking the lives of innocent victims. It makes one want to scream out; enough! Even though I am a fan of the History Channel, I am sickened that they chose to produce a show, “Gangland” Why does the media choose to focus in on gangs, instead of those who wish to protect and serve?

It makes one want to say: What of the good kids who decide to make this world better for all of us? You know the kids who step up to the plate who only wish to make a difference for the betterment of society itself. How I wish the mainstream media would concentrate on these fine young men and women. These fine young men and women are the ones who wish to go running towards any horrific scene and to protect human life itself. Yet, there is little reporting done on their behalves. They are after-all our future heroes. You never see on any broadcast sociologists or psychologists explain to the rest of us exactly what makes them tick. In my eyes, it is a sense of service, duty and a desire to protect us all.

The reason I write this column is on behalf of my son and the other junior cadets who took a week’s time out of their summer fun to attend the Suffolk County, N.Y. Junior Police Academy. These fine young men and women only want to serve and protect, yet very little is written or reported of their efforts. No one knows their names, yet everyone knows the names of young-murderers.

In order to attend this junior academy, they had to be recommended by their high school guidance councilors and a background check done to see if they could become potential police officers. While many names were submitted, only a few were chosen. In that short week, they learned the basics of what it will take to protect both you and me as well as society itself. Yet, no one knows their names.

They had to learn search and seizure laws, how to arrest someone and protect the public. While my son is young in my eyes, he grew up this past week having driven a police vehicle and responding to certain commands given by his instructor. He learned what respect and responsibility was. He even had to press his own uniform. Parents were told we were not to press it for them. That little attention to detail may seem small in your eyes, but a lesson is instilled in these young citizens by having to attend to it. In addressing any instructor, they had to say: “Sir/Ma’am, yes, Sir/Ma’am”

In their training, they had to learn how to act as a unit to protect you and me in the future and that is to be commended as we see our police officers today respond to a crisis to protect the public. Police officers often leave their home not knowing if it will be their last, yet these fine young men and women fully understand that hard-cold fact chose to step up to the plate and attend this junior academy. Yet, no one knows their names. Well shame on the mainstream media for not reporting these stories as they concentrate on the lowest amongst us.

These fine young men and women also learned of other training techniques that will help them to protect and serve all of us in the future if they make the final cut and enter any police academy. While too many to list, it is to their credit and honor, I write this column.

What deeply saddens me is that this may be the last year of this junior academy due to budget cuts. Yet these are the fine young men and women we will surely need in the future to help protect us all. They will be the ones to respond to the monsters that take the lives of the innocents every single day of the year. They will certainly be the ones who will respond to the next Columbine and again, no one knows their names. If you live in Suffolk County, NY sometime in the future as you dial 911, it will be my son God willing that will respond to your plea for help and you will be thankful that he came to your aid. My son’s name is Christopher MacElveen and I want you to remember his name.

Author’s email address is,

Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author for permission.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Cronkite taught me what was news instead of noise

By Mary MacElveen
July 18, 2009

When Berry Gordy of Motown records had this to say of Michael Jackson: “Michael was and will remain one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived," I would opine of Walter Cronkite that he was THE BEST journalist that has ever lived in my lifetime and the lives of millions more. He touched not only my life but the lives of millions of Americans and citizens around the world. If you are not old enough to remember his broadcasts on CBS, his reporting to this nation was similar to a State of the Union Address given by every single President of our country. He captivated all of us with his straight reporting, never interjecting any bias coming from him.

While he died at the age of 92, his death hit me harder than Jacksons. As a boomer, I grew up with Mr. Cronkite as he visited my home each and every night and was the voice of calm and most of all reason. In the age of cable and the Internet where thoughts are transmitted second-by-second, he allowed you to think of what was happening in our world. He reported the news and never became the news. That will forever be Mr. Cronkite’s legacy.

In the days of Cronkite, we lived our lives instead of being addicted to information and news broadcasts either on television or the Internet. He reported what was relevant and we simply heard him report it, and moved on. I so miss those days. There was no need to hear from pundit upon pundit or others that we think important in today’s broadcasts and simply moved onto the next story.

As a young child each and every lift-off into space became a magical moment when Mr. Cronkite was reporting on it, especially the Apollo 11 mission where we as a nation landed on the moon’s surface. In that very moment we rose to an immense challenge whose challenger was the late President John F. Kennedy. The elation he showed while reporting on that one single event was ours as a nation. To sit in front of one’s TV sets to hear the countdown of any mission captivated us all. As we all heard the voice of mission control cite, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blast off” our hearts lifted up with those brave souls. Our emotions enjoined with Mr. Cronkite’s in that very moment in time.

Tonight while listening to many showing their respect for this premier journalist; I heard the term icon and he was more than an icon. Walter Cronkite was an informer, a teacher and any other term one can use to fully educate us all. As I listened to many premier journalists speak in deference to this great man, I pulled my 19 year-old daughter into the living room to help her understand the significance of his passing.

Mr. Cronkite was with many of us during many historic moments such as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the assassination of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the assassination of the late Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. He was also with us during the entirety of the Viet Nam War and long after it and covered Watergate which led to the resignation of a president. Mr. Cronkite was an historic figure, and he will be sorely missed by millions who sat night after night to be informed of their world and ours.

During the many years that we as a country watched him and heard what he had to relay to us, it was broadcasted in black-and-white. No streaming feeds, no, no, no, and other forms of communication available to us all today. He became the fabric of Americana and for that we must thank him.

Mr. Cronkite was the standard-bearer of the news itself. No bells, no whistles but the straight news itself and in the days of confusion that surround us, we could surely use journalists of his caliber, his talent and his desire to get at the heart of the news itself. For those who never viewed his broadcasts, you missed out. Because there are very few journalists left today who are able to report the news with such an understanding of our history as a nation.

Thank you, Mr. Cronkite for helping me understand my world while growing up. As you were invited into my living room each night, you never disappointed me. In fact, I learned from you. You taught me what was news and what was noise.

Author’s email address is,

Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My letter to Newsday citing Suffolk County's pathetic bus system

July 13, 2009

Dear Editor,

As I read your article, LI Bus rolls out fleet of 100 greener vehicles, I seethed in anger being a resident of Suffolk County, NY. While Nassau County will get this new fleet of buses, the bus system in Suffolk County is one of the most pathetic bus systems going. While money was doled out for these buses, very little has been done to solve our transportation problem here in Suffolk County. If you are not a driver for any number of reasons, try getting from point A to point B. You can’t with a bus system where one has to wait and wait for a bus.

Our buses do not even run on Sundays, and don’t people shop and work on that day? If one cannot afford a car due to this abysmal economy, those living in Suffolk are at the mercy of cabs whose rates are through the roof as opposed to the $1.50 fare. I have spoken out of this over a number of years, yet NOTHING has been done. Over the years, I have read of road expansion projects being approved, yet no funds allocated for improving our bus system? If one can call it a bus system. So, I am at the mercy of cabs. Not being able to go where you want is akin to being a prisoner in one’s own home or apartment.

To those politicos who have the power of the purse, here is an experiment to try. Pretend you do not drive or have a car, and figure out how in the world you are going to get to work, shopping, a doctor’s appointment for one day. This has been my life living here in Suffolk County since 1991. While I love where I live, life was easier for me when I lived in Nassau County. At least I could go to any corner, board a bus that could take me where I wanted to go, and even on Sundays. While I have used myself as an example, I am speaking out for the countless citizens who deserve a first-rate bus system like Nassau County’s.

Mary MacElveen

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today, I mourn the death of Lt. Brian Bradshaw

By Mary MacElveen
July 7, 2009

In reaction to my piece citing that 7 soldiers died in Afghanistan prior to the Jackson memorial and the media’s coverage of his death, I received some feedback from my readers. One stated that he (Jackson) deserves millions of dollars being shelled out for police security since he paid he paid millions in taxes. That one still boggles my mind given the fact there have been many social programs cut, workers being laid off, IOUs as paychecks and homelessness within the city of Los Angeles and the state of California. By the way, the State of California is suffering a $24 billion dollar deficit. That directly affects those living in the City of Los Angeles.

L.A. simply cannot afford this protection which will cost the city $2.5 million dollars when they are a half a billion dollars in debt. But, the memorial will go on.

One reader stated for me to show some respect and I have, but I question where America’s priorities are when it comes to elevating a celebrity over those who serve our country.

A reader cited that Jackson gave to many charities and that is true, but our soldiers give their life for this country. As Jackson will be buried in a gold-plated coffin, our soldiers come home in flag-draped ones with little fan-fare. What if any celebrities choose to go to their memorial services?

If you think I am not the only one raising this valid point comparing the coverage of Jackson’s death over our soldiers, you would be wrong.

Someone sent me a link to a story as published on Fox: Relatives of Soldier Killed in Afghanistan Decry Lack of Coverage Amid Jackson Spectacle and these relatives would be correct. In watching a repeat of “AC 360” last night, Anderson Cooper while speaking of Jackson’s death, gave only two minutes in reporting of these fallen soldiers. Why, Anderson?

As reported by Fox: "Lt. Brian Bradshaw, 24, died in Kheyl, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle." In reaction to his death and the coverage of Jackson by the media, his aunt, Martha Gillis wrote the Washington Post asking: "Where was the coverage of my nephew or the other soldiers who died that week?" Bravo, Ms. Gillis!

Fox also reported: "He (Lt. Brian Bradshaw) was one of at least 13 U.S. soldiers to die in Afghanistan since Jackson's death on June 25." Now we have a name of one of our fallen heroes.

Mary, who is the mother of Lt. Bradshaw added that the constant coverage of Jackson's death was: "totally ridiculous" She also added: "I can watch the news many nights and there's no mention of what's going on in Afghanistan or Iraq and there's boys dying over there," War is simply hell and perhaps if there were wall-to-wall coverage of the death and destruction over in Iraq and Afghanistan the American people would strongly react by telling our government we have had enough. After all, these wars are costing the American taxpayers dearly if one chooses to focus on the money-angle over the death-count. We have spent $1 trillion dollars to be specific.

The only media coverage, Bradshaw received as reported by Fox was in: "Steilacoom, Wash., and those where he was stationed before his deployment in March."

While I do not know the rest of the names of these now dead soldiers, I do know of one and his name was Lt. Brian Bradshaw and today, I mourn his death. In his life prior to his military service he was a “search-and-rescue volunteer, an altar boy, a camp counselor," According to his aunt.

Author’s email address is,

Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author for permission.

Monday, July 6, 2009

On the eve of Michael Jackson’s memorial, seven soldiers lost their lives

By Mary MacElveen
July 7, 2009

On the eve of Michael Jackson’s public memorial where it will cost the city of Los Angeles $2.5 million dollars for police security at taxpayer’s expense, I want to scream. I want to scream at the fans of Michael Jackson as well as the celebrities who will attend it. I want to bloody-scream at the media who will cover his public memorial. You may ask why I wish to scream and here is why. On the eve of this public memorial to Jackson, 7 troops died in Afghanistan and yet, no one knows their names. No one!!!!

These troops leave behind loved ones, yet again, no one knows their names. These troops did the heavy-lifting for all of us; yet the media chooses to give wall-to-wall coverage on Jackson. Wake up, media! Forget about the King of Pop and report on our brave soldiers who enter a world where they face our enemy day-in-and-day-out.

Prior to his death, Jackson was preparing for his concert tour as our soldiers hunkered down knowing they would face a certain death.

Those who died on the battle field, will not have anyone logging onto any website to take part in their memorial for a coveted spot. They will not have celebrities taking part in it like, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Hudson, Magic Johnson, Smokey Robinson, Brooke Shields, Usher and so many others.

To this, I say, shame on all of us for elevating celebrities, while forgetting our troops. Yes, we may remember them on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, yet choose to forget about them all the rest of the days of the year. They are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and our fellow Americans!

Our troops do not seek out doctors to prescribe them pain killers and other narcotics as some believe contributed to Jackson’s death. They enter into a battle field none of us would dare to enter and where their lives can and have been taken in an instant by a road-side bomb. Their bodies are not intact as Jackson’s was at his time of death, but blown apart with their innards coming out of their bodies. I have seen their pictures where their faces have been completely blown off and other injuries just as devastating. Upon seeing these photos, I have cried and cried.

I do not care what you think of the war, but there are soldiers who are ready, willing and able to go into a hellfire none of us would venture into. As I read this: "The seven American deaths came as thousands of U.S. Marines continued with their major offensive against the Taliban in Helmand province," the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

In war, I fully believe those who are called to fight in these wars act as if they are already dead in order to complete their missions. It was something I learned from watching the movie, "The Band of Brothers" which is one of my favorite movies.

I cry for our soldiers and their families and not for Michael Jackson. If that seems callous; well tough. I have followed these wars since they started and we have lost far too many brave soldiers, yet the focus is on one man some call an icon? Oh please, please help me understand this as I read where 7 soldiers lost their lives.

As the fans, celebrities and media focus in on his children, for many years, thousands of knocks have been knocked and where many children have learned that their mom or dad were not coming home. No one knows their names as the media has reported Michael Jackson’s children’s names. Children of military personnel do not stand a chance at inheriting millions of dollars and often are left with nothing.

The Reverend Al Sharpton has called for tomorrow to be a day of mourning for Michael Jackson. Me, I will call it a day of mourning for these seven soldiers who lost their lives. With that said, I will ask America: Where do your tears and sorrow belong?

Author’s email address,

Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Los Angeles should bill the Jackson family for the cost of Michael Jackson’s memorial

By Mary MacElveen
July 5, 2009

I know you are probably screaming: Not another Michael Jackson column, but this one must be written. It does not involve how he died, but who will pick up the tab for the police force used at his memorial service this Tuesday. The onus for this security force will be born by the taxpayers of Los Angeles and will cost $2 million dollars.

According to the L.A.Times, “The city of Los Angeles is a half-billion dollars in the hole. Layoffs. Furloughs. Potholes unfilled, trees untrimmed. Animal services, the ethics commission, whack whack whack.” Fan or not, it is uncalled for to put such a strain on a city that is overstressed economically. It is only right and just to ask that the Jackson family shell out these funds so the taxpayers are not forced to.

In reading another L.A.Times article, L.A. City Councilwoman Jan Perry stated that the city would “dip into a special fund set aside for extraordinary events to pay for the security costs associated with Michael Jackson's memorial service Tuesday at Staples Center.” Again, given the fact that the city itself is a half-billion dollars in debt: This special fund if one can believe a city has set aside should for such an event given its deficit should be used on behalf of the taxpayers. After all, Jackson died leaving millions to his beneficiaries. Knowing how fans would react to his passing, Jackson should have set aside funds to pay for such an elaborate memorial service given the city’s deficit.

While the Councilwoman stated that they are reaching out to private donors to help fund this memorial service, there are taxpayers who go without and to ask them to pay for a service is uncalled for since she was elected to represent the people. She should instead be reaching out to private donors to help with the needs of her constituents. I would suspect that many of her constituents cannot even afford their own burial at this point.

According to this article, Perry told CNN: "that the Jackson family had not come forward to pay for taxpayer costs associated with the memorial..."I am not aware of any activity from the family to do that" I say to the Jackson family, pay up! It is unconscionable to drain the city coffers to pay for your son’s and sibling’s memorial.

Outlined in this L.A. Times article dated, May 28th, 2009 are the deep cuts facing not only those who live in Los Angeles, but the state as well. As you will read, California is now faced with a $24 billion dollar deficit and where it "would halt medical insurance for more than 2 million Californians, sending them streaming into emergency rooms and costing the state billions of dollars for the more expensive care -- and potentially causing deaths." Many of their deaths will not be overly reported as Jackson's was and still is. In fact, these deaths will not be reported on in the media. No one will know their names.

As reports are coming out that drugs may have directly caused Jackson’s death, there are many in California with deadly diseases who only want to live.

I was taken back as I read, that a woman, named, Linnea went before “legislative panel” to plead for her life. As she addressed this panel, she stated: "If these cuts take place, you're not just cutting money from the program -- you're cutting my life...I choose to live," she said, her voice shaking and tears falling. "Please don't make me die. My choice is life." Perhaps the doctor(s) who prescribed Jackson these harmful drugs should have said no to him and gone on to help treat patients like Linnea. She only wants to live.

Given the hardships which many citizens in Los Angeles are facing, it is up to the city government to bill the Jackson family for the entire cost of Michael Jackson’s memorial on Tuesday.

If you are a fan who has already descended on this city or have planned to, you are placing a strain on an already strained city. You must ask yourselves: Is my presence here more important than those who will be forced to pay for it, namely the taxpayers of Los Angeles? Is Michael Jackson more important then those who services have been cut?

Author’s email address is,

Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please contact the author for permission.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

By Mary MacElveen
July 4th, 2009

Today I want to wish each and all of you a Happy Fourth of July. To me, it has never been a day set aside just for picnics and store-sales, but a day to remember who we are. We must ask ourselves: How many men and now women have spilled their blood on past battle fields to preserve our freedoms and continue to do so? They are the ones we must pray for today and continue to pray for each and everyday.

At this time, I want you to listen to the words crafted by our founding fathers as they penned the Declaration of Independence. While mortal men, they breathed a certain immortality to these words that have defined us all these years. While we are a free people as declared by these men, often we do not assert such freedom and accept what laws are passed and taxes imposed. It is our right and duty to become ‘We the People’ stating to any elected official once they have breached their sacred promise to any of us, to speak up and not just at the voting booth. We must remember that they serve us and not the other way around. Thus has been my journey, my mission during these past nine years.

Have I affected any real change? I do not know. But, I know this: The founders would have expected me to speak out as they expect us all. They were geniuses in crafting a democracy beloved by many, and feared by others.

If I were to pick my favorite part of the Declaration of Independence, it would be the stanza below:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

At this time, I want all of you to enjoy the words to the Star Spangled Banner which was written by Francis Scott Key. The founders of this country were and forever will be men made of the right stuff. They did the heavy lifting for all of us and it is our duty to heed their words.

Happy Fourth of July,
Mary MacElveen!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Farrah Fawcett was the Queen of Girl-Power

By Mary MacElveen
July 3, 2009

When “Charlie’s Angels” aired, it became the start of a movement called, ‘girl-power’ within this country. No more would a girl see herself boxed in a submissive role within the American culture. When the show first aired, I was a teenager, and yes it made me think of what my future could become. Shows like this and the “Mary Tyler-Moore Show” were a far cry from the roles women normally took on television such as “Leave it to Beaver” where June Cleaver stayed at home tending to it, her husband and children, and we have powerful women like Farrah Fawcett to thank for that.

As a grown woman, I am concerned that the death of Farrah Fawcett has been overshadowed by the death of Michael Jackson. His death from what some have reported was due to an addiction to pain-killers and other drugs; whereas Farrah’s death was due to anal cancer which metastasized. Farrah, fought a long, hard battle against this disease and let others into her life to see how she was battling it while Jackson remained secluded.

While Jackson was labeled as the King of Pop, I would label Fawcett as the Queen of Girl-Power. While “Charlie’s Angels” was just a show, it showed girls that at some point, they could bring down the bad-guys. One must wonder after that show premiered: Just how many girls signed up to their local police academies or service to this country. While not as glamorous, still the message was there that women could do anything they wanted in life.

In today’s society, there are many women who are victims of domestic abuse and on October 8, 1984, Farrah Fawcett starred in a movie titled: “The Burning Bed” where she took the law into her own hands by killing her abuser. I do remember watching this earth-shattering film and it spoke for the many women at that time who were victims of domestic abuse which still occurs today.

While she never married her soul-mate, Ryan O’Neill they remained together as a loving couple and in today’s society, it must be heralded. They did not need a marriage certificate to consummate their love for one another. They just loved one another. Now think of how many celebrities, politicians and other famous people have cheated on their loved ones. I cannot even imagine being in Ryan O’Neill’s shoes the day after he buried his soul-mate. It is life imitating art as he starred in the movie “Love Story” where he lost his love to leukemia played by actress, Ali McGraw who incidentally lost her love, her soul-mate, Steve McQueen to cancer. Freaky, I know!

As the character, Jill Munroe, Fawcett would listen as one of ‘Charlie’s Angels’ to hear her next mission. Upon her death from cancer, she listened to a far greater power calling her home. Those like Ryan O’Neill and their son can take comfort that she is now within the loving arms of our God. Rest in peace, Farrah.

Author’s email address is

Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author for permission.

The true face of politics as 467,000 jobs were shed

By Mary MacElveen
July 2, 2009

I read in horror the Washington Post column which reported that 467,000 jobs were lost in the month of June: One must wonder if any of these people who lost their jobs care of the inner workings of political organizations? I would bet you any amount of money, they do not. All they care about is how they will feed their families, provide shelter, and oh yes, health care.

For years, I have received emails coming from one political organization and in this case, I choose not to name it. But, I want to clue my readers in the amount of money being asked by this one political organization to those they are asking to attend it. They do so while America suffers and they are not alone, since other organizations will continue to hold pricey fundraisers. Why not ask the email recipients to donate these vast sums of money to food pantries, health clinics instead of any golf-sponsorship?

This is what politics is truly about no matter which party. Do they even care when our jobless rate which presently stands at 9.5 percent will exceed 10 percent as reported by the Washington Post? They say they care in the many emails I receive from them and it boggles the mind how they can have any golf outing when so many are going without food today. I find it repugnant to even circulate this email which states they will have a cocktail and dinner outing when food pantries go bare.

According to the Post: “The nation now has 14.7 million people who are looking for a job but can't find one,” Yet, it is business as usual when it comes to political organizations as they prostrate themselves asking for donations.

I am most assured that the millions who have lost their jobs would love to have brunch on a patio and a fine barbeque lunch as well. Not stated in this email those would be present at this outing. Quite frankly, I do not care when I think of the millions upon millions of Americans that are suffering today.

When you see the press release photos of who is attending various fundraising events, keep in mind images of those standing outside food pantries because this country cannot find it within its will to address the millions who cannot find work. Should the jobless rate continue to rise, know that the two main political parties are stuffing their coffers as they send out emails such as the one below. They will also point the finger of blame at each other instead of coming together to solve this pervasive problem to get Americans back to work.

11:00 AM Registration opens
* brunch served on the bay patio

12:30 PM Golf Shotgun start
* barbecue lunch on the course

5:00 PM Cocktails
6:00 PM Dinner

Individual Golf Tickets $375 per person

Golf Foursomes $1,500
Includes brunch, golf and dinner for four and a tee sign

Tee Sign $150

Driving Range Sponsorship $500

Includes sponsorship recognition

Putting Green Sponsorship $1,000
Includes sponsorship recognition and two dinner tickets

Refreshment Stand Sponsor $1,500
Includes special signage at the various refreshment stands
and two dinner tickets

Brunch Reception Sponsor $5,000

Includes brunch, golf and dinner for four, a tee sign and
prominent recognition as the sponsor of the brunch reception

Dinner Reception Sponsor $10,000
Includes brunch, golf and dinner for eight, two tee signs and
prominent recognition as the sponsor of the dinner reception

By the way, those who did attend this fundraiser dined on steak and lobster as some go without tonight, tomorrow and for the foreseeable future.

Look at the sums of money this one organization was looking for, and then imagine how this money could have been used to feed the hungry in this country. Hunger comes from bread-winners not being able to provide food for their families. This is the true face of politics.

Author’s email address is,

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