By Mary MacElveen
September 23, 2009
Tonight, I watched former President Bill Clinton on the Dave Letterman Show and he asked if anyone has an idea to help those most needy not only in our country, but the world. I was personally touched when he reached out to the audience not only in the studio, but those viewing the broadcast.
As a writer, I am going to let you into my personal life somewhat. A few weeks ago for very personal reasons, I found myself not able to provide food for my two children ages 19 and 17. I will not go into those reasons why, but tell you that a dear friend of mine who works for my local church availed me of their food pantry as well as ways of gaining employment. I was extremely thankful to her and the church as well. The food we ate that came from that pantry tasted like manna from Heaven.
Since then, I have gained employment at my local grocery store and I have come up with an idea to help the Clinton Global Initiative. Each time you go food shopping, pick up items that you can donate to your local food shelters and pantries instead of the junk food one can purchase while shopping.
With obesity being one of the main killers in our society, my suggestion would be is to pick up canned fruit, or fresh vegetables to donate to one’s food pantries or shelters. It does not have to be costly, but merely a substitute for the high-fat and high-calorie foods the poor of our society have been forced to purchase due to the low-price of fast food. Let us all help steer them towards a food pantry instead of McDonalds or Burger King.
Many within our United States congress have been obstructionists towards healthcare for all and simply by purchasing food items that are healthier for the poor to eat, we can change the healthcare system. Instead of the poor in our society having to eat a burger from one of these burger chains, they can gain sustenance from a box of pasta with the sauce that goes with it. Please make sure that the sauce is low in sodium content.
In working for a local grocery chain, there are many weeks we do have healthy food items on sale. All it takes is for you, the consumer to look in your flyers to help your fellow citizens. Instead of that bottle of soda, you can purchase a staple item that will fill the bellies of children within your neighborhood. As they eat it, they will be grateful to you even if they do not know who you are. I can personally attest to this.
I am truly thankful that David Letterman had on as his guest our former president, Bill Clinton to spread ideas of how we can help our fellow citizens as well as people all around the world. Now let us go out shopping to help those most needy around us.
Author’s email address is
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, no permission is needed, simply spread the word.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
September 11th anniversary: We must realize wars without end is not the answer
By Mary MacElveen
September 11, 2009
On both my Twitter page and my page, I wrote this entry concerning the of eighth-year anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attacks upon this country: “With reverence to the victims who died on September 11, 2001, we must realize a war without end is not the answer!”
At this point, hearing or reading upon death upon death, I do not care what your belief of how so many died on that day. All I care of is how many took place because a government dropped the ball and how many lives were lost due to those circumstances. Each life lost on that day was precious and most importantly we must realize that fact.
According to, they have listed every single name of one of OUR soldiers who have died since May 1st, 2003 in Iraq without bringing those who lost their lives in Afghanistan. As we concentrate on beefing up the forces in that country, many more will die as we have seen with increased military deaths in the past few months. We must NOT forget of the civilian deaths in both Afghanistan and Iraq. What crime did they commit to die by the hands of our country? Nothing!
As many have concentrated solely on military deaths, I have taken important notice of the civilian deaths, especially babies. I have seen their photos and it sickens me to death. I have seen the photos of our soldiers whose faces and bodies have been ripped to shreds realizing there is NO purpose to these endless wars. Oh God, stop these wars!
Last night as our President, Barack Obama was discussing healthcare before a joint congressional message to both houses of congress, a South Carolina congressman, Joe Wilson called him a liar when it came to the question of coverage for undocumented immigrants of this country. According to the AP, he shouted out with finger pointed: “You liar”. At that point, I wanted to smack him across the face! I still do as he was forced by the Republican leadership to apologize to the president.
It galls me that if someone had done the same thing and directed it at former President, George W. Bush, he or she would have been scorned for a life-time and thrown out of either the senate or congress. Most likely, he or she would have been branded un-patriotic and thrown into GITMO.
Here we have a president who is trying to save lives through better healthcare as opposed to a former president who lied through his teeth to end lives. I would call that unforgiveable.
Looking back and remembering that bright-sunny day where over 3,000 lives were lost: one of the most memorable visual imageries I will take away from that day is of how many leapt to their deaths from the Twin Towers or the first-responders who climbed their own stair ways to Heaven in order to save lives. We must not forget their selfless sacrifice to our country and their fellow human beings.
I fully believe that we who cherish life must own this day forever more instead of those who seek to destroy lives. The victims of that day would be screaming from the Heavens above for us to do so. After all, they know what it is like to lose their lives where we do not.
As many of our fellow citizens scream out for healthcare not only for themselves, but for others, we must remember how much money is being spent on wars without end. While some estimates say this new healthcare package will cost $900 billion over ten years, the wars without end have so far cost you and me, a little over $908 billion dollars and still climbing by the second.
Do we say to the victims of September 11, 2001: We do not care how you died, we only care of war, or do we say to them we for once will get this right? What is right after all? Till we blow each other to smithereens or till we finally get it that life is worth preserving?
Attacks to our country come in many forms and one of them is nature. Nature has taught us that if man does not strike, oh she will. These lessons can be learned from the hurricanes that struck us in Katrina, Rita and Gustav to the firestorms that have hit California lately. All of these events bring about terror to their victims and let us not forget about the costs of helping these victims.
In these events, we do not have any body or any group to target, but the lives lost are as equally important to those who died on September 11th, 2001. Perhaps, that is our lesson after all.
To those who lost loved ones on September 11th, my heart breaks for you. All who died on that horrific day are forever in my prayers as I oppose these wars without end. We have had enough people dying and it is time to say enough and to change the course of this country.
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: To use portions of this column, please email the author.
September 11, 2009
On both my Twitter page and my page, I wrote this entry concerning the of eighth-year anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attacks upon this country: “With reverence to the victims who died on September 11, 2001, we must realize a war without end is not the answer!”
At this point, hearing or reading upon death upon death, I do not care what your belief of how so many died on that day. All I care of is how many took place because a government dropped the ball and how many lives were lost due to those circumstances. Each life lost on that day was precious and most importantly we must realize that fact.
According to, they have listed every single name of one of OUR soldiers who have died since May 1st, 2003 in Iraq without bringing those who lost their lives in Afghanistan. As we concentrate on beefing up the forces in that country, many more will die as we have seen with increased military deaths in the past few months. We must NOT forget of the civilian deaths in both Afghanistan and Iraq. What crime did they commit to die by the hands of our country? Nothing!
As many have concentrated solely on military deaths, I have taken important notice of the civilian deaths, especially babies. I have seen their photos and it sickens me to death. I have seen the photos of our soldiers whose faces and bodies have been ripped to shreds realizing there is NO purpose to these endless wars. Oh God, stop these wars!
Last night as our President, Barack Obama was discussing healthcare before a joint congressional message to both houses of congress, a South Carolina congressman, Joe Wilson called him a liar when it came to the question of coverage for undocumented immigrants of this country. According to the AP, he shouted out with finger pointed: “You liar”. At that point, I wanted to smack him across the face! I still do as he was forced by the Republican leadership to apologize to the president.
It galls me that if someone had done the same thing and directed it at former President, George W. Bush, he or she would have been scorned for a life-time and thrown out of either the senate or congress. Most likely, he or she would have been branded un-patriotic and thrown into GITMO.
Here we have a president who is trying to save lives through better healthcare as opposed to a former president who lied through his teeth to end lives. I would call that unforgiveable.
Looking back and remembering that bright-sunny day where over 3,000 lives were lost: one of the most memorable visual imageries I will take away from that day is of how many leapt to their deaths from the Twin Towers or the first-responders who climbed their own stair ways to Heaven in order to save lives. We must not forget their selfless sacrifice to our country and their fellow human beings.
I fully believe that we who cherish life must own this day forever more instead of those who seek to destroy lives. The victims of that day would be screaming from the Heavens above for us to do so. After all, they know what it is like to lose their lives where we do not.
As many of our fellow citizens scream out for healthcare not only for themselves, but for others, we must remember how much money is being spent on wars without end. While some estimates say this new healthcare package will cost $900 billion over ten years, the wars without end have so far cost you and me, a little over $908 billion dollars and still climbing by the second.
Do we say to the victims of September 11, 2001: We do not care how you died, we only care of war, or do we say to them we for once will get this right? What is right after all? Till we blow each other to smithereens or till we finally get it that life is worth preserving?
Attacks to our country come in many forms and one of them is nature. Nature has taught us that if man does not strike, oh she will. These lessons can be learned from the hurricanes that struck us in Katrina, Rita and Gustav to the firestorms that have hit California lately. All of these events bring about terror to their victims and let us not forget about the costs of helping these victims.
In these events, we do not have any body or any group to target, but the lives lost are as equally important to those who died on September 11th, 2001. Perhaps, that is our lesson after all.
To those who lost loved ones on September 11th, my heart breaks for you. All who died on that horrific day are forever in my prayers as I oppose these wars without end. We have had enough people dying and it is time to say enough and to change the course of this country.
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: To use portions of this column, please email the author.
Cost of Iraq War,
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Is protecting health insurance companies truly healthcare reform?
By Mary MacElveen
September 9, 2009
We have all seen commercial ads for prescription drugs one can take for any number of ailments: such as taking Lipitor for one’s cholesterol and if I were an uninsured citizen of this country who suffers from high cholesterol, I would quite frankly see that ad as a tease. Oh sure, you can take this drug, but it is going to cost you. But before being prescribed this drug, one must see a doctor. Wait, without being covered and being able to see a doctor, one cannot get this drug.
Here is the latest Lipitor ad that is currently running on most stations? Is he simply an actor or someone that does suffer from high cholesterol? Regardless of who he is, still to produce that ad and air it costs money and more likely than not the cost of producing it trickles down to the price of the drug.
How many of us have gone to the doctor if we can afford it and say, “I want to be placed on this drug” instead of letting the doctor diagnose your ailment and prescribe the best course of treatment. Drug companies bank on you doing just that.
Just recently, Brookhaven Memorial Hospital began running ads on cable networks hoping that YOU will choose it should you need healthcare. It begs the question: If you do not have health insurance, just how are you going to afford to become their patient? If I were an uninsured person, it would be akin to a child looking through the window of a toy store knowing his or her parents could not afford said toy.
Ad-buys for drugs or hospitals cost money, so it should not be a total surprise to any of us why healthcare for all Americans is out of reach for the 47 million who presently are uninsured.
Here is an ad for Anthem-Blue Cross and I would love to know how much they spent in the making of that commercial which likely uses actors. How much did it cost them to buy ad-space on the television networks that carried it? Let us not forget the actors, since they are paid to appear in commercials. Do these ad-buys contribute to high premiums one must pay? You actually think the executives of these companies would eat the cost of making these commercials? Like any business, the cost is born by the customer.
Those politicos who are presently railing against the ‘public option’ or dare I say single-payer health care foresee competition between these health insurance companies as our best bet. Wait a gosh darn minute. In order to compete: Wouldn’t these companies need to advertise their rates and services by using commercial ad-buys?
In reading this article published today: How Much Do Television Ads Cost?, please take note of this passage: “It has been estimated that the average cost of producing a 30-second national TV commercial is nearly $350,000. But before you panic, understand that like any other form of advertising, a television commercial can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. Not surprisingly, the cost to produce the commercial goes up as the quality and complexity of the commercial increases.”
We have all heard of how much ads cost to run during the Super Bowl and will these health insurance companies run ads during them all in the name of competition? Instead of $350,000 going towards patient care and coverage, competition between health insurance companies will bring about an explosion in ad-buys.
I can almost hear the salivating of advertising agencies just ready to exploit this fraud perpetrated upon the people called, “Health insurance company based health reform”
One does have to wonder if cable and broadcast networks are almost banking on the competition between insurance companies as being their best bet to make money. Should this be the reform that will be shoved down our throats: How much will cable networks such as Fox, CNN, MSNBC and others like it make? How much will broadcast networks like ABC, CBS and NBC make as well? I can almost hear the CFOs of all just waiting for the big-bucks to roll on in.
The AFL-CIO just recently reported of claims being denied out in California and where they opined that these companies are the truth ‘death panels’. These health insurance companies are first and foremost businesses who rely on people buying their product. Your dollars are their life’s blood. Instead of paying a claim: How many of them have been advertising and please keep that $350,000 ad-buy rate in mind.
Named in their report was PacifiCare which: “denied 40 percent of all California claims.” Interestingly enough, I found this PacifiCare ad on How many will purchase their healthcare product not knowing they have denied claims to Californians? More importantly: What chunk of the claims benefits denied went into the making of this ad?
I cannot understand how protecting insurance companies is our best bet when this news report on PacifiCare told how they dropped a man’s coverage, which cost him $60,000. He had to have a kidney removed which had a cancerous tumor on it.
I know free-market thinkers and believers just hate the term regulation, but we saw the damage done by banks who went for years unregulated. If this is the health reform package shoved down America’s throat that solely supports health insurance companies, then they need to be regulated.
As we watch the President’s speech on healthcare reform tonight, look out amongst the sea of faces who would rather protect insurance companies than providing healthcare for all Americans. There are 47 million Americans who are in dire need of healthcare who have been shut out of our present system.
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author.
September 9, 2009
We have all seen commercial ads for prescription drugs one can take for any number of ailments: such as taking Lipitor for one’s cholesterol and if I were an uninsured citizen of this country who suffers from high cholesterol, I would quite frankly see that ad as a tease. Oh sure, you can take this drug, but it is going to cost you. But before being prescribed this drug, one must see a doctor. Wait, without being covered and being able to see a doctor, one cannot get this drug.
Here is the latest Lipitor ad that is currently running on most stations? Is he simply an actor or someone that does suffer from high cholesterol? Regardless of who he is, still to produce that ad and air it costs money and more likely than not the cost of producing it trickles down to the price of the drug.
How many of us have gone to the doctor if we can afford it and say, “I want to be placed on this drug” instead of letting the doctor diagnose your ailment and prescribe the best course of treatment. Drug companies bank on you doing just that.
Just recently, Brookhaven Memorial Hospital began running ads on cable networks hoping that YOU will choose it should you need healthcare. It begs the question: If you do not have health insurance, just how are you going to afford to become their patient? If I were an uninsured person, it would be akin to a child looking through the window of a toy store knowing his or her parents could not afford said toy.
Ad-buys for drugs or hospitals cost money, so it should not be a total surprise to any of us why healthcare for all Americans is out of reach for the 47 million who presently are uninsured.
Here is an ad for Anthem-Blue Cross and I would love to know how much they spent in the making of that commercial which likely uses actors. How much did it cost them to buy ad-space on the television networks that carried it? Let us not forget the actors, since they are paid to appear in commercials. Do these ad-buys contribute to high premiums one must pay? You actually think the executives of these companies would eat the cost of making these commercials? Like any business, the cost is born by the customer.
Those politicos who are presently railing against the ‘public option’ or dare I say single-payer health care foresee competition between these health insurance companies as our best bet. Wait a gosh darn minute. In order to compete: Wouldn’t these companies need to advertise their rates and services by using commercial ad-buys?
In reading this article published today: How Much Do Television Ads Cost?, please take note of this passage: “It has been estimated that the average cost of producing a 30-second national TV commercial is nearly $350,000. But before you panic, understand that like any other form of advertising, a television commercial can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. Not surprisingly, the cost to produce the commercial goes up as the quality and complexity of the commercial increases.”
We have all heard of how much ads cost to run during the Super Bowl and will these health insurance companies run ads during them all in the name of competition? Instead of $350,000 going towards patient care and coverage, competition between health insurance companies will bring about an explosion in ad-buys.
I can almost hear the salivating of advertising agencies just ready to exploit this fraud perpetrated upon the people called, “Health insurance company based health reform”
One does have to wonder if cable and broadcast networks are almost banking on the competition between insurance companies as being their best bet to make money. Should this be the reform that will be shoved down our throats: How much will cable networks such as Fox, CNN, MSNBC and others like it make? How much will broadcast networks like ABC, CBS and NBC make as well? I can almost hear the CFOs of all just waiting for the big-bucks to roll on in.
The AFL-CIO just recently reported of claims being denied out in California and where they opined that these companies are the truth ‘death panels’. These health insurance companies are first and foremost businesses who rely on people buying their product. Your dollars are their life’s blood. Instead of paying a claim: How many of them have been advertising and please keep that $350,000 ad-buy rate in mind.
Named in their report was PacifiCare which: “denied 40 percent of all California claims.” Interestingly enough, I found this PacifiCare ad on How many will purchase their healthcare product not knowing they have denied claims to Californians? More importantly: What chunk of the claims benefits denied went into the making of this ad?
I cannot understand how protecting insurance companies is our best bet when this news report on PacifiCare told how they dropped a man’s coverage, which cost him $60,000. He had to have a kidney removed which had a cancerous tumor on it.
I know free-market thinkers and believers just hate the term regulation, but we saw the damage done by banks who went for years unregulated. If this is the health reform package shoved down America’s throat that solely supports health insurance companies, then they need to be regulated.
As we watch the President’s speech on healthcare reform tonight, look out amongst the sea of faces who would rather protect insurance companies than providing healthcare for all Americans. There are 47 million Americans who are in dire need of healthcare who have been shut out of our present system.
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author.
Monday, September 7, 2009
I know first-hand that Joe Kennedy serves the public good in heading Citizens Energy Corp.
By Mary MacElveen
September 8, 2009
While I suspect many in the political arena were wishing to see the Kennedy legacy move forwards by seeing another Kennedy in the seat recently vacated by the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, it was not to be. Today, the former congressman, Joe Kennedy decided not to run for the senate office held by his late uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Am I sad concerning his decision not to run for his uncle’s seat? Absolutely NOT!
Service to the public good can come in many forms and I do think that the former congressman found his niche. He has worked tirelessly through Citizens Energy Corp. to deliver low-cost energy to the poor and needy within the United States of America.
As some within this country castigate the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez by stating he hates America, let me say nothing can be farther from the truth. It is through President Chavez’s love for the poor that Joe Kennedy is able to help heat the homes of America’s poor and I have seen it first hand.
Through Citizens Energy Corp. they are able to deliver low-cost heating oil to the poor and needy so they do not put themselves in danger by heating their homes from an oven. They are able to do so through men like Joe Kennedy.
Back in December of 2005, I covered a story for where CITGO delivered oil to the poor of the Bronx titled: From Venezuela's Heart help came to the Big Apple. Within that piece which touched me to the core of my soul, I was able to interview the Venezuelan Ambassador to the United States, Bernardo Alvarez as well as Congressman Jose Serrano. For a non-paid editorialist, it was an honor to interview them both as well as to get their take on why CITGO and the government of Venezuela was reaching out to America’s needy.
In that piece, I wrote: “We did not create America’s poor.” Opined by Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez and his feelings were reaffirmed when Congressman Jose Serrano said “America is not taking care of its own, and this should not be looked upon as a political motive.” Both were and still are correct as we have moved forwards.
On that bitterly-cold day, I witnessed first-hand, high powered politicians and corporate leaders in Felix Rodriguez (the CEO of CITGO) move mountains in order to deliver low-cost oil to those within this country. This oil is sold to the poor and needy at 40 percent below market price the last time I checked. It is sold to America’s poor with the approval of President Hugo Chavez so fewer Americans suffer through the fall and winter.
In these lean economic times, I want you to place yourself in the shoes of those most needy in this country as they try and heat their homes.
This is the work that Joe Kennedy has been doing to help the people of Massachusetts and without legislation to approve his works. He is able to cut through the red-tape in order to help those he serves. And he does so without having to raise campaign donations and endlessly campaign.
If anything I have learned through this oil program that serves the needy, is that his Dad, and two uncles are smiling down from the heavens above knowing that he has served the public good. He is doing more for the needy than I suspect any politician has for a long time. While many politicians give stump-speeches, he is out there with sleeves rolled up, so that Americans can stay warm in the colder months. How great is that?
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please contact the author.
September 8, 2009
While I suspect many in the political arena were wishing to see the Kennedy legacy move forwards by seeing another Kennedy in the seat recently vacated by the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, it was not to be. Today, the former congressman, Joe Kennedy decided not to run for the senate office held by his late uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Am I sad concerning his decision not to run for his uncle’s seat? Absolutely NOT!
Service to the public good can come in many forms and I do think that the former congressman found his niche. He has worked tirelessly through Citizens Energy Corp. to deliver low-cost energy to the poor and needy within the United States of America.
As some within this country castigate the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez by stating he hates America, let me say nothing can be farther from the truth. It is through President Chavez’s love for the poor that Joe Kennedy is able to help heat the homes of America’s poor and I have seen it first hand.
Through Citizens Energy Corp. they are able to deliver low-cost heating oil to the poor and needy so they do not put themselves in danger by heating their homes from an oven. They are able to do so through men like Joe Kennedy.
Back in December of 2005, I covered a story for where CITGO delivered oil to the poor of the Bronx titled: From Venezuela's Heart help came to the Big Apple. Within that piece which touched me to the core of my soul, I was able to interview the Venezuelan Ambassador to the United States, Bernardo Alvarez as well as Congressman Jose Serrano. For a non-paid editorialist, it was an honor to interview them both as well as to get their take on why CITGO and the government of Venezuela was reaching out to America’s needy.
In that piece, I wrote: “We did not create America’s poor.” Opined by Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez and his feelings were reaffirmed when Congressman Jose Serrano said “America is not taking care of its own, and this should not be looked upon as a political motive.” Both were and still are correct as we have moved forwards.
On that bitterly-cold day, I witnessed first-hand, high powered politicians and corporate leaders in Felix Rodriguez (the CEO of CITGO) move mountains in order to deliver low-cost oil to those within this country. This oil is sold to the poor and needy at 40 percent below market price the last time I checked. It is sold to America’s poor with the approval of President Hugo Chavez so fewer Americans suffer through the fall and winter.
In these lean economic times, I want you to place yourself in the shoes of those most needy in this country as they try and heat their homes.
This is the work that Joe Kennedy has been doing to help the people of Massachusetts and without legislation to approve his works. He is able to cut through the red-tape in order to help those he serves. And he does so without having to raise campaign donations and endlessly campaign.
If anything I have learned through this oil program that serves the needy, is that his Dad, and two uncles are smiling down from the heavens above knowing that he has served the public good. He is doing more for the needy than I suspect any politician has for a long time. While many politicians give stump-speeches, he is out there with sleeves rolled up, so that Americans can stay warm in the colder months. How great is that?
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please contact the author.
President Obama welcomes children back to school: A speech every child should hear
By Mary MacElveen
September 7, 2009
As a parent, I want to send a message out to other parents who may keep their children home tomorrow because President Obama will deliver a speech welcoming the country’s children back to school: You are failing your job as a parent. Keeping your children out of school in fear of what may be said by the president is sending the wrong message to your children. Basically what you are teaching them is if something is being presented in school you or they may not agree with, it is okay to skip school.
Our country’s children are expected to attend school each and everyday unless sick and to keep them out for this one speech which by the way I have read, you are aiding in their truancy. If you do keep them out, it should be noted they were absent on that day.
Any school district who fails to air the President’s speech to our country’s children, you as well are failing as educators. You are allowing your politics of fear to interfere with our children’s learning and/or you are listening to either Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh way too much.
Having been raised by a single-mother, if he complained about getting up early to learn extra lessons from her, President Obama’s mom would say: “This is no picnic for me either, buster." I do suspect other single-parents have had that same discussion with their children.
Knowing that our president has two young girls both he and the First Lady, Michelle Obama are successfully raising: do you think for one moment he would put your children in danger? Both Sasha and Malia are growing up in the public-eye and while that can be hard for children born to presidents or celebrities, and they are a delight to behold.
As many schools combat a high drop-out rates, this president’s message to every single one is to stay in school and to work hard. No subversive message there, but a message all children do need to hear.
President Obama reminds our school children that nothing is just given them in life and that they also must work hard. As many are addicted to reality TV, the President cites: “I know that sometimes, you get the sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work -- that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star, when chances are, you’re not going to be any of those things.” I think that dose of real reality is something our children do need to hear.
Within the text of his speech he reminds children if they want to go on in life to fulfill their dreams of becoming a teacher, a scientist, a writer or even a politician, they must pay attention to certain classes they are taking and do their homework.
The President also cites that it is okay to fail, but to pick yourselves up and try, try again. One person he does use as an example is famed author, JK Rowling who wrote the Harry Potter series. Now she is richer than the Queen of England and she came from being on welfare.
It is important for each parent to read the full text of the President’s speech to see he is challenging our children to go on and live successful lives not only for themselves but our country. After reading his speech, if you as a parent are inclined to keep your child out of school, take a long look in the mirror and ask: Am I leaving my child behind?
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please contact the author.
September 7, 2009
As a parent, I want to send a message out to other parents who may keep their children home tomorrow because President Obama will deliver a speech welcoming the country’s children back to school: You are failing your job as a parent. Keeping your children out of school in fear of what may be said by the president is sending the wrong message to your children. Basically what you are teaching them is if something is being presented in school you or they may not agree with, it is okay to skip school.
Our country’s children are expected to attend school each and everyday unless sick and to keep them out for this one speech which by the way I have read, you are aiding in their truancy. If you do keep them out, it should be noted they were absent on that day.
Any school district who fails to air the President’s speech to our country’s children, you as well are failing as educators. You are allowing your politics of fear to interfere with our children’s learning and/or you are listening to either Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh way too much.
Having been raised by a single-mother, if he complained about getting up early to learn extra lessons from her, President Obama’s mom would say: “This is no picnic for me either, buster." I do suspect other single-parents have had that same discussion with their children.
Knowing that our president has two young girls both he and the First Lady, Michelle Obama are successfully raising: do you think for one moment he would put your children in danger? Both Sasha and Malia are growing up in the public-eye and while that can be hard for children born to presidents or celebrities, and they are a delight to behold.
As many schools combat a high drop-out rates, this president’s message to every single one is to stay in school and to work hard. No subversive message there, but a message all children do need to hear.
President Obama reminds our school children that nothing is just given them in life and that they also must work hard. As many are addicted to reality TV, the President cites: “I know that sometimes, you get the sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work -- that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star, when chances are, you’re not going to be any of those things.” I think that dose of real reality is something our children do need to hear.
Within the text of his speech he reminds children if they want to go on in life to fulfill their dreams of becoming a teacher, a scientist, a writer or even a politician, they must pay attention to certain classes they are taking and do their homework.
The President also cites that it is okay to fail, but to pick yourselves up and try, try again. One person he does use as an example is famed author, JK Rowling who wrote the Harry Potter series. Now she is richer than the Queen of England and she came from being on welfare.
It is important for each parent to read the full text of the President’s speech to see he is challenging our children to go on and live successful lives not only for themselves but our country. After reading his speech, if you as a parent are inclined to keep your child out of school, take a long look in the mirror and ask: Am I leaving my child behind?
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please contact the author.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Why are those without healthcare at town halls treated like Al Qaeda?
By Mary MacElveen
September 4, 2009
I think that this will be one of the most brutal op-ed pieces written in the course of nine years. How I wish I had the power of Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow to deliver it, but I do not. But, here I go.
In watching the coverage of the town halls that primarily encompass the healthcare debate, I have seen the worst of America. We have always prided ourselves as the beacon of democracy where each voice IS supposedly valued. If I were a citizen of any other country looking in, I would frankly be horrified to see citizens of this great land of liberty shouting down others who share the same birthright. If I were a citizen of any other country who has healthcare for all, I would say to the United States of America: you just do not get it!
It takes GUTS to come to a town hall meeting to discuss any number of problems. In order to come to any town hall to discuss one’s personal problems such as the lack of healthcare, one must reach down deep inside to summon their courage to air this specific grievance. It takes a spine made of steel in order to do so and to somehow placate yourself in front of an elected official and those gathered.
When one is rebuffed by an elected official or the head of the RNC, Michael Steele for not having healthcare coverage, they are treated as if they are Al Qaeda or the Taliban. There, I have said it. Yes, they are treated as if THEY are the enemy of America where in fact those who are complicit with the status quo are indeed the enemy. They have accepted the notion that health insurance companies raking in the dough with giving little back to those they are supposed to cover as being the best this country can offer.
As these nut-jobs, birthers, tin-foil hatters look out to their neighborhoods seeing foreclosed home upon foreclosed home, they should really ask of themselves: How many of these foreclosures occurred because a person lacked health insurance. They must ask, how many of these foreclosures brought down the value of their homes? Something to think about, folks.
Getting back to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, to those who rebuff those without healthcare, you allowed for a previous president to lie this country into wars without end. So far these wars have cost the American people close to $1 trillion dollars. Imagine if that money could have been used to fund healthcare for every man, woman and child in this country? There would be no fear of your fellow American for going to the doctor for the slightest of ailments. Gee, they could actually take their child for an immunization shot.
In the past, I have written of Venezuela’s and Cuba’s healthcare and have praised them both. Each of those countries have not invaded another country using up their fiscal reserves, but chose to use their reserves on their citizen’s healthcare needs. I have been called every name in the book in doing so. Names such as communist, pinko-liberal and socialist. Let it be so. But, as I have spoken out on healthcare for all Americans, I pride myself as an American patriot first and foremost. I am sick and tired of hearing of my fellow citizens suffering because they have NO health insurance coverage. Any of us are just a heart beat away from being one of the uninsured and that is something we must all pay attention to.
As we pride ourselves a constitutional democracy, I want to point out to you that the Constitution of Venezuela specifically mentions their citizens rights to full healthcare in articles 83 through 85. Why can’t ours? Hmm, could it be the health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies having their grip on our politicians? Oh, you betcha as Sarah Palin used to say.
I wish to God I knew why those without health insurance are treated like Al Qaeda in these town hall meetings. Can’t Americans feel any compassion towards their fellow citizens anymore? Evidence throughout this summer proves NO!
It is my sincere hope that President Barack Obama delivers a speech next week in front of both houses of congress telling them each American gets coverage and their pockets be damned. It is my hope that he hears his mom who suffered from cancer and had to fight for healthcare coverage up until she died. It is my hope that he says to them that healthcare is an inherent American birthright and to deal with it. I for one am sick of my fellow Americans without health insurance being treated like Al Qaeda. They are human beings for God sake!
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author for permission.
September 4, 2009
I think that this will be one of the most brutal op-ed pieces written in the course of nine years. How I wish I had the power of Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow to deliver it, but I do not. But, here I go.
In watching the coverage of the town halls that primarily encompass the healthcare debate, I have seen the worst of America. We have always prided ourselves as the beacon of democracy where each voice IS supposedly valued. If I were a citizen of any other country looking in, I would frankly be horrified to see citizens of this great land of liberty shouting down others who share the same birthright. If I were a citizen of any other country who has healthcare for all, I would say to the United States of America: you just do not get it!
It takes GUTS to come to a town hall meeting to discuss any number of problems. In order to come to any town hall to discuss one’s personal problems such as the lack of healthcare, one must reach down deep inside to summon their courage to air this specific grievance. It takes a spine made of steel in order to do so and to somehow placate yourself in front of an elected official and those gathered.
When one is rebuffed by an elected official or the head of the RNC, Michael Steele for not having healthcare coverage, they are treated as if they are Al Qaeda or the Taliban. There, I have said it. Yes, they are treated as if THEY are the enemy of America where in fact those who are complicit with the status quo are indeed the enemy. They have accepted the notion that health insurance companies raking in the dough with giving little back to those they are supposed to cover as being the best this country can offer.
As these nut-jobs, birthers, tin-foil hatters look out to their neighborhoods seeing foreclosed home upon foreclosed home, they should really ask of themselves: How many of these foreclosures occurred because a person lacked health insurance. They must ask, how many of these foreclosures brought down the value of their homes? Something to think about, folks.
Getting back to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, to those who rebuff those without healthcare, you allowed for a previous president to lie this country into wars without end. So far these wars have cost the American people close to $1 trillion dollars. Imagine if that money could have been used to fund healthcare for every man, woman and child in this country? There would be no fear of your fellow American for going to the doctor for the slightest of ailments. Gee, they could actually take their child for an immunization shot.
In the past, I have written of Venezuela’s and Cuba’s healthcare and have praised them both. Each of those countries have not invaded another country using up their fiscal reserves, but chose to use their reserves on their citizen’s healthcare needs. I have been called every name in the book in doing so. Names such as communist, pinko-liberal and socialist. Let it be so. But, as I have spoken out on healthcare for all Americans, I pride myself as an American patriot first and foremost. I am sick and tired of hearing of my fellow citizens suffering because they have NO health insurance coverage. Any of us are just a heart beat away from being one of the uninsured and that is something we must all pay attention to.
As we pride ourselves a constitutional democracy, I want to point out to you that the Constitution of Venezuela specifically mentions their citizens rights to full healthcare in articles 83 through 85. Why can’t ours? Hmm, could it be the health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies having their grip on our politicians? Oh, you betcha as Sarah Palin used to say.
I wish to God I knew why those without health insurance are treated like Al Qaeda in these town hall meetings. Can’t Americans feel any compassion towards their fellow citizens anymore? Evidence throughout this summer proves NO!
It is my sincere hope that President Barack Obama delivers a speech next week in front of both houses of congress telling them each American gets coverage and their pockets be damned. It is my hope that he hears his mom who suffered from cancer and had to fight for healthcare coverage up until she died. It is my hope that he says to them that healthcare is an inherent American birthright and to deal with it. I for one am sick of my fellow Americans without health insurance being treated like Al Qaeda. They are human beings for God sake!
Author’s email address is,
Copyrighted material: Should you wish to use any portion of this column, please email the author for permission.
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