Sunday, September 26, 2010

Food stamp recipients can purchase cigs in NY while working citizens are taxed

By Mary MacElveen

September 27, 2010

In the past I have raged against the lawmakers in NY State, especially Gov. David Paterson for taxing and taxing smokers to fill in NY’s budget donut hole. I have been met with little sympathy as a smoker.

I want to clue my readers into this little known fact that welfare recipients who receive food stamps can purchase both cigarettes and alcohol on their food stamp account. How do I know this? I work as a grocery store cashier. I have witnessed food stamp recipients receive money back on their purchases in order to buy these items. Meanwhile, you and I the tax payers are paying for their habits.

As for me who works for a little over minimum wage must also pay for their habit, while NY State taxes my same habits. Something is terribly wrong within this state when food stamp recipients receive more than I get.

Two weeks ago, a person who used to work for the grocery store I work in got fired a year ago. He now receives food stamps and chose to take out $177 more from his account after his initial purchase. I then handed him the cash. What did he do with that money? He paid for cigarettes and alcohol. Yet, NY State wishes to tax hard working citizens instead of eliminating this loop hole within the food stamp program? This is not fair at all!

I call upon Governor David Paterson and all legislators within NY State to end the punitive tax on smokers and close the loop hole which allows food stamp recipients to purchase these products.

My opinion in how to do this is to not allow food stamp recepients to take out money that exceeds their transactions. Food stamp money should and must be used for food instead of cigs and alcohol period!

You may reach the author at this email address,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yes, Christine O’Donnell, I am calling you stupid

By Mary MacElveen
September 22, 2010

On many occasions and especially after the primary success of Christine O’Donnell, I feel that American politics has become our new “Reality-TV” where the absurd reigns supreme. It is akin to the “Twilight Zone”

I once stated in a previous column honoring the late Sen. Paul Wellstone that each senator has the power over our lives and represents us within the U.S. Senate. With that said, if O’Donnell is elected senator, I feel that we the people will look into the abyss and ask our Delawarean citizens who voted for her: What have you done to this country? To that, my answer would be; you have made us a weaker country by electing a senator who has NO experience in government or the laws that join us together.

Cute sound-bites and activism within the sexual realm does not a senator make. One must have the fortitude of knowledge in order to be elected senator. Yes, Christine O’Donnell, I am calling you stupid.

As we live in a global society, I often wonder what our global citizens think of this upcoming election with a “Tea Party” insurgency within the Republican ranks. Either they are terrified of what is to come or they are shaking their heads thinking that America is stupid to elect anyone of these candidates.

As a former Republican, I do think that this new Republican Party is stupid to follow this “Tea Party” movement. While stupid, I do find they are opportunistic. They just want the votes and power. Let us NOT give it to them!

Chris Coons is clearly the better candidate for office since he does have governing experience as a County Executive. He has this experience since he oversees budgets, and the laws that join us as one. Yet O’Donnell gets the MSM coverage? How absurd is that? Coons does deserve to win and O’Donnell should be forgotten. Her fifteen minutes of fame should be over with right NOW!

Hey, even Wiccans speak out to clarify that they are not in bed with Satanists. There is a pun in there, but do not tell Christine…LOL!

Like Sharron Angle who ran from cameras, O’Donnell has chosen to go that route as well. Come on folks, what are they afraid of? They are afraid of we the people. They are afraid of answering the tough questions. They think that aligning themselves with this “Tea Party” movement they can play games with us and it is up to all of us to shut them down. It is up to we the people to shut the Republican Party down for marching lock step behind the “Tea Party” candidates. They are pure cowards.

One must ask these “Tea Party” candidates running for senate exactly what Senate Rule 51 is especially with the demise of Senate Defense Bill which contained the DADT amendment. Let us see what O’Donnell’s and Angles answer is to that question.

Okay, O’Donnell and Angle, you say you want to be senators, what process governs budget reconciliations? Come on and think. I as an American citizen know this answer, but do you?

Okay, okay, not to pick solely on the female candidates, but to all “Tea Party” candidates: What rule “determines that discussion of business requires secrecy, that a motion be made to close the doors and that it be seconded. The Presiding Officer of the United States Senate shall direct the galleries to be cleared; and during the discussion of such motion the doors shall remain closed.” Please remember this has everything to do with national security and not just some angry mobs seen on Fox News. By the way, the question in quotes, I will not tell you where I picked it from since you should already know that if you are qualified to be a United States Senator.

As I look back on the angry town halls that took place a little over a year ago, I look to my fellow Americans to attend any town hall or NOW and ask these candidates: What qualifies you to become my new senator or congress member? Let them not get off the hook by citing that masturbation is evil or that women should not serve in the military especially when women have died in service to this republic.

To Christine O’Donnell, you have espoused beliefs that women should not serve in the military, try telling that to this female soldier whose face was burned off shaking hands with Denzel Washington: This female soldier unlike you is the ultimate patriot.

My email address is should you wish to email me.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hawaii Five-0: New actors who look to make this show their own

By Mary MacElveen

September 20, 2010

While I am a summer person, one thing that comes in the fall is the new procedural dramas that are aired on many networks. I love sitting down, chilling and getting involved in the myriad of characters, plots and yes, the actors.

A few weeks ago when working, I was checking out the magazines on my check-out line at work and saw that a new “Hawaii Five-0” was to be aired on CBS via the “TV Guide”. I knew this long before that via I checked out the feed and loved IT! New actors and how this new team became this unit.

One actor in particular caught my eye and he is, Alex O'Loughlin who once played one HOT vampire for one season on CBS's “Moonlight”. For the life of me, I could not understand why CBS canceled this show, but hey, Alex is back. YES! Alex is a British actor who is able to come off as an American actor similar to Hugh Laurie of Fox Television’s “House”.

I swear if one did not know these facts, one wouldn’t believe it.

These new actors did not look to replace the characters on the original series, but make these characters their own set within today’s parameters. Those parameters are terrorism and human trafficking within the opening show.

All day long as I spoke to co-workers and customers alike, I psyched them and me into watching this new program. Even the opening credit theme tune stuck in my head. I even hummed a few bars. Let’s leave it at that…LOL!

For those of you, who have not yet watched the opening credits to this show as well as its theme, please go to within the credits you will see a familiar actor, Daniel Dae Kim who played on ABC's "Lost". While on “Lost” he may have been lost, in this new model of “Hawaii Five-O” he is anything but lost as he finds a new purpose in his life.

All I can say is that this new show is as action-filled as the one many grew up with that aired in the sixties. I truly hope that you check it out next Monday on CBS at 10 PM ET. Oh yes, hum the theme song as many times as you wish. It will certainly get you in the mood.

Should you wish to email the author, please do so at this email address: