Tuesday, September 22, 2009

An idea how to help the Clinton Global Initiative

By Mary MacElveen
September 23, 2009

Tonight, I watched former President Bill Clinton on the Dave Letterman Show and he asked if anyone has an idea to help those most needy not only in our country, but the world. I was personally touched when he reached out to the audience not only in the studio, but those viewing the broadcast.

As a writer, I am going to let you into my personal life somewhat. A few weeks ago for very personal reasons, I found myself not able to provide food for my two children ages 19 and 17. I will not go into those reasons why, but tell you that a dear friend of mine who works for my local church availed me of their food pantry as well as ways of gaining employment. I was extremely thankful to her and the church as well. The food we ate that came from that pantry tasted like manna from Heaven.

Since then, I have gained employment at my local grocery store and I have come up with an idea to help the Clinton Global Initiative. Each time you go food shopping, pick up items that you can donate to your local food shelters and pantries instead of the junk food one can purchase while shopping.

With obesity being one of the main killers in our society, my suggestion would be is to pick up canned fruit, or fresh vegetables to donate to one’s food pantries or shelters. It does not have to be costly, but merely a substitute for the high-fat and high-calorie foods the poor of our society have been forced to purchase due to the low-price of fast food. Let us all help steer them towards a food pantry instead of McDonalds or Burger King.

Many within our United States congress have been obstructionists towards healthcare for all and simply by purchasing food items that are healthier for the poor to eat, we can change the healthcare system. Instead of the poor in our society having to eat a burger from one of these burger chains, they can gain sustenance from a box of pasta with the sauce that goes with it. Please make sure that the sauce is low in sodium content.

In working for a local grocery chain, there are many weeks we do have healthy food items on sale. All it takes is for you, the consumer to look in your flyers to help your fellow citizens. Instead of that bottle of soda, you can purchase a staple item that will fill the bellies of children within your neighborhood. As they eat it, they will be grateful to you even if they do not know who you are. I can personally attest to this.

I am truly thankful that David Letterman had on as his guest our former president, Bill Clinton to spread ideas of how we can help our fellow citizens as well as people all around the world. Now let us go out shopping to help those most needy around us.

Author’s email address is xmjmac@optonline.net

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