Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why are those without healthcare at town halls treated like Al Qaeda?

By Mary MacElveen
September 4, 2009

I think that this will be one of the most brutal op-ed pieces written in the course of nine years. How I wish I had the power of Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow to deliver it, but I do not. But, here I go.

In watching the coverage of the town halls that primarily encompass the healthcare debate, I have seen the worst of America. We have always prided ourselves as the beacon of democracy where each voice IS supposedly valued. If I were a citizen of any other country looking in, I would frankly be horrified to see citizens of this great land of liberty shouting down others who share the same birthright. If I were a citizen of any other country who has healthcare for all, I would say to the United States of America: you just do not get it!

It takes GUTS to come to a town hall meeting to discuss any number of problems. In order to come to any town hall to discuss one’s personal problems such as the lack of healthcare, one must reach down deep inside to summon their courage to air this specific grievance. It takes a spine made of steel in order to do so and to somehow placate yourself in front of an elected official and those gathered.

When one is rebuffed by an elected official or the head of the RNC, Michael Steele for not having healthcare coverage, they are treated as if they are Al Qaeda or the Taliban. There, I have said it. Yes, they are treated as if THEY are the enemy of America where in fact those who are complicit with the status quo are indeed the enemy. They have accepted the notion that health insurance companies raking in the dough with giving little back to those they are supposed to cover as being the best this country can offer.

As these nut-jobs, birthers, tin-foil hatters look out to their neighborhoods seeing foreclosed home upon foreclosed home, they should really ask of themselves: How many of these foreclosures occurred because a person lacked health insurance. They must ask, how many of these foreclosures brought down the value of their homes? Something to think about, folks.

Getting back to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, to those who rebuff those without healthcare, you allowed for a previous president to lie this country into wars without end. So far these wars have cost the American people close to $1 trillion dollars. Imagine if that money could have been used to fund healthcare for every man, woman and child in this country? There would be no fear of your fellow American for going to the doctor for the slightest of ailments. Gee, they could actually take their child for an immunization shot.

In the past, I have written of Venezuela’s and Cuba’s healthcare and have praised them both. Each of those countries have not invaded another country using up their fiscal reserves, but chose to use their reserves on their citizen’s healthcare needs. I have been called every name in the book in doing so. Names such as communist, pinko-liberal and socialist. Let it be so. But, as I have spoken out on healthcare for all Americans, I pride myself as an American patriot first and foremost. I am sick and tired of hearing of my fellow citizens suffering because they have NO health insurance coverage. Any of us are just a heart beat away from being one of the uninsured and that is something we must all pay attention to.

As we pride ourselves a constitutional democracy, I want to point out to you that the Constitution of Venezuela specifically mentions their citizens rights to full healthcare in articles 83 through 85. Why can’t ours? Hmm, could it be the health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies having their grip on our politicians? Oh, you betcha as Sarah Palin used to say.

I wish to God I knew why those without health insurance are treated like Al Qaeda in these town hall meetings. Can’t Americans feel any compassion towards their fellow citizens anymore? Evidence throughout this summer proves NO!

It is my sincere hope that President Barack Obama delivers a speech next week in front of both houses of congress telling them each American gets coverage and their pockets be damned. It is my hope that he hears his mom who suffered from cancer and had to fight for healthcare coverage up until she died. It is my hope that he says to them that healthcare is an inherent American birthright and to deal with it. I for one am sick of my fellow Americans without health insurance being treated like Al Qaeda. They are human beings for God sake!

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