Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Based on a Politico.com article: I am sick of game-playing politicians

By Mary MacElveen
November 17, 2009

I posted the below tweet on my Twitter page citing how a hug between Gov. Charlie Crist and President Barack Obama as being a game being played by Marco Rubio. This Twitter came forth after reading a Politico.com article which discusses it.

MaryMacElveen You know when staunch conservatives like Rubio are out of ideas when a hug is their best ammo against Crist: http://tinyurl.com/yl4lqhz

Not posted due to space constraints on Twitter, this to me is just a political game to win over votes. People are truly hurting out here and they want to know how best a candidate can help them instead of playing these political games.

Don’t flash images in front of us treating us like children, but treat the voters as grown-ups where you go into detail how you will best serve us all.

Tell us how you will get healthcare into the hands of each and every American. Tell us how you will get millions back to work. Tell us how you will keep taxes at bay since we are drowning in higher-and-higher tax rates. Tell us how you will educate our children to insure a prosperous future for them. Tell us how you will lower the cost of food. As a cashier, I do see prices increasing and people struggling to make ends meet. I have witnessed first hand how they have to put a food item back because they simply cannot afford it.

When their eyes meet yours they are filled with embarrassment and where they lower their voice saying: “I do not have enough to pay for that” Welcome to my world as a grocery store cashier. I see that, but game-playing politicians do not.

Tell us all how you will go up against the evil empire known as credit card companies who are charging higher-and-higher interest rates and keeping us all in debt-bondage.

Tell us all how you will save a family from losing their homes due to bankruptcy. This is our new way of life and quite frankly, the American people are sick and tired of the game playing. Who knows how many families are being sent foreclosure notices everyday and where the sheriff shows up to evict them and toss their belongings onto the street as well as change the locks.

We see through the Stupak amendment real games being played when abortion is inserted into the mix. In my opinion, the ONLY reason it was put in was to kill health reform in this country for those who truly need it. Rep. Bart Stupak has healthcare, yet is playing games with yours.

As I watched “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” last night, tears came to me as they aired the first free-clinic in New Orleans. This was done to put pressure on Sen. Mary Landrieu to back healthcare reform. She did not show up to this event and declined to be interviewed. COWARD! This as one thousand of her constituents showed up to see a doctor in which four had to be raced to the hospital. What a game player she is as thousands more suffer and millions more across this country. Sen. Landrieu has healthcare yet can deny her constituents the chance at seeing a doctor? If so, she deserves to lose her seat in the senate to one that will demand the right of every citizen to see a doctor.

If this is okay with tea-baggers, I will call them all unpatriotic, because they are not putting country first. Country first also means to me where each citizen has the right to see a doctor. Yes, even a woman who may seek to have an abortion. Patriotism, doesn’t only mean backing one’s country in a time of war. I prefer the former over the latter. The latter has all but drained out economy.

Exactly where were these tea-baggers and game playing politicians when it came to war funding? They want a balanced budget NOW?! Too late. You should have thought of that years ago.

The cost of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is fast approaching $933 billion dollars, yet the right-wing seems to back these wars and not healthcare for all. What sanctimonious idiots they are. These right-wingers are truly showing just how unpatriotic they are.

They will tell us all in a bold-face lie that it is to win the war on terror. Sorry there is not a chance in hell of doing that. Due to our foreign policies abroad and keeping a military footprint in areas so volatile, we will always have enemies.

We can however win the war on terror on the medical front by insuring people can see a doctor where an illness does not become a catastrophic illness. To treat a catastrophic illness costs this country more. When a sick person cannot see a doctor, to me that is true terror!

So, game-playing politicians, tell us how you will help us with detailed plans instead of floating a picture of a hug between two politicians. If you are successful in your campaign, the hardest part is now upon you to actually get the people’s business done. My question is by using tactics like these: Are you even up for the job?

Author’s email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net

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