Thursday, November 5, 2009

In light of Fort Hood: Michelle Bachmann, shut the hell up!

By Mary MacElveen
November 5, 2009

Please forgive me as a non-paid columnist for using such strong language, but if there were any congress member, I would want to b-slap at this moment it would be Congress member Michelle Bachmann for staging her ‘insurgency’; movement inviting citizens to “look within the eyes” of their congress members to protest the public option.

In seeing news footage of this protest one can see pictorials of the holocaust and that is out of line considering the public option plan is meant to save lives, not murder. Even the American Medical Association and the AARP are backing the public option and they are far more learned on this issue than she is. Does she even think that she knows more than a doctor or a health representative for the aged? Oh please! They are after all at the forefront of this issue and know the details in depth as she spews her venom and consistently opens up her pie-hole. Me, I want to forever plug her pie-hole!

Just today we learned that a Major in the U.S. Army, Nidal Malik Hasan shot and killed 12 people and wounded 31. This is the true cost of war. Wars that the extreme right-wing back while innocents are taken from their loved ones.

I cannot even fathom as a feeling human being how the families of these loved ones are feeling at this very moment, much less coping. May God be with them in their time of great need. My tears and our tears are with them all.

The extreme right-wing would rather back at any cost the true cost of war in both Iraq and Afghanistan that have a detrimental affect not only to our soldiers, but innocents abroad. Yet, they can stand before our eyes and spew venom at a healthcare bill which can save millions of Americans? Oh help me to understand these miscreants for surely I cannot!

Tonight, Americans from coast-to-coast are trying to wrap their brains and hearts around this slaughter at Fort Hood, but we simply cannot. In place we can only send our prayers and support to the victims of this senseless massacre.

Is this what we have to look at for years to come as we redeploy more soldiers overseas to wars that are unwinnable? Are these wars worth funding, while the extreme right-wing nuts or psychopaths will deny any monies to heal our citizens? It sure seems so; right?

To my fellow Americans from coast-to-coast, when will you tell these extreme right-wing nut-cases presently in congress who will deny you healthcare yet funds these wars to quite frankly, SHUT THE HELL UP!?

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