Sunday, September 26, 2010

Food stamp recipients can purchase cigs in NY while working citizens are taxed

By Mary MacElveen

September 27, 2010

In the past I have raged against the lawmakers in NY State, especially Gov. David Paterson for taxing and taxing smokers to fill in NY’s budget donut hole. I have been met with little sympathy as a smoker.

I want to clue my readers into this little known fact that welfare recipients who receive food stamps can purchase both cigarettes and alcohol on their food stamp account. How do I know this? I work as a grocery store cashier. I have witnessed food stamp recipients receive money back on their purchases in order to buy these items. Meanwhile, you and I the tax payers are paying for their habits.

As for me who works for a little over minimum wage must also pay for their habit, while NY State taxes my same habits. Something is terribly wrong within this state when food stamp recipients receive more than I get.

Two weeks ago, a person who used to work for the grocery store I work in got fired a year ago. He now receives food stamps and chose to take out $177 more from his account after his initial purchase. I then handed him the cash. What did he do with that money? He paid for cigarettes and alcohol. Yet, NY State wishes to tax hard working citizens instead of eliminating this loop hole within the food stamp program? This is not fair at all!

I call upon Governor David Paterson and all legislators within NY State to end the punitive tax on smokers and close the loop hole which allows food stamp recipients to purchase these products.

My opinion in how to do this is to not allow food stamp recepients to take out money that exceeds their transactions. Food stamp money should and must be used for food instead of cigs and alcohol period!

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